The brand

Modus is the new Retail Brand of the beauty world that will be adopted by all the stores of the brands: Modus Profumerie, Unix Profumerie, Cocoon Profumerie, Europrofumi, Profumerie Galeazzi, Lively Milano, Mastri Profumieri, Squillace Profumerie and Vyola Profumerie.

The project rise from the union of eight families of Italian managers. Our MISSION is to transform the purchase of the best perfumery products of our Partners, into sensory and emotional experience, thanks to the passion and professionalism of our staff.

Modus will give you an innovative shopping experience, thanks to a more confidential relationship between the staff of our stores and you, our customers, indeed Guests.

phone: +39 011 0260251

horaires d'ouverture

Tous les jours de 10 à 20

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